Women's Edge

Women's Edge is a nonpartisan coalition created in 1998 that advocates for international economic and human right policies that support women. Working with the U.S. government, the coalition encourages aid programs that benefit both trade promoters and the poorest people. The coalition's mission is "to advocate international economic policies and human rights that support women worldwide in ending poverty in their lives, communities and nations."[1]

In 2005, Amnesty International USA and Women's Edge organized meetings with members of the United States Senate to work toward legislation to combat violence against women and girls around the world. These meetings led to the 2007 International Violence Against Women Act, which was introduced by Senators Joseph Biden and Richard Lugar.[2]

The coalition's net assets for 2005 were US$331,561.[3]

Women's Edge has lobbied and helped pass such legislation as the Access for Afghan Women Act, the Afghanistan Freedom Support Act, the GAINS for Women and Girls Act, the Trade Impact Review and the GROWTH Act.[4]

Ritu Sharma Fox is co-founder and the president.[3] USAID calls her "a leading voice on international women's issues and U.S. foreign policy."[5]

According to USAID, "due in large part" to Women's Edge, "the interests of poor women worldwide are now being incorporated into U.S. economic assistance and trade policies and, in some cases, into U.S. law itself.[5]

A first generation American of East Indian heritage, Ms. Sharma's family left behind generations of violence and poverty in Punjab, India to build a new life in the United States. Her family's legacy and her first-hand experience of the injustices suffered by women, combined with her strong belief that American citizens must ensure that the U.S. acts positively in the world, led Ms. Sharma to create the Women's Edge Coalition in 1998. She holds a BSFS in international economics from Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and a Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University. She serves on the Board of Directors of InterAction and the Center for Global Engagement.

Advocates in the United States Congress for Women's Edge include Carolyn Maloney, Patty Murray, Richard Durbin, Mary Landrieu, Barbara Mikulski, and Nita Lowey.


  1. ^ idealist.org - Women's Edge Coalition
  2. ^ USA: Human Rights, Women's and Anti-Violence Groups Praise Legislation to Combat Global Violence against Women
  3. ^ a b Charity Navigator Rating - Women's Edge Coalition
  4. ^ http://news.findlaw.com/prnewswire/20071016/16oct20071019.html
  5. ^ a b USAID: Member Biographies

External links